It's confession time. I have fallen so far off the wagon in the last week and I am desperately trying to get back on.
I have indulged in donuts, Sushi and a french fries. I really don't know what happened. I can't recollect any emotional trauma that would have made me slip. I mean, after all, I was getting into a size 10 jeans. That should have been incentive enough to continue.
Was it that my body needed a break? I still believe that the HCG I took the last round was no good. It just didn't seem to quell the cravings like they did in the past.
At the beginning of the round, my goal was attainable. Now it seems as if it is doomed. My goal date was July 8th, and my goal weight was 156. It aint gonna happen unless I cut some stuff off.
I know that I have been obsessed with working out. Maybe too much. My body went into conservation mode. But I feel so much better. So do I sacrifice feeling good for weight loss? It's hard to cut back once you get that momentum going. I think that I am going to build some muscle (muscle burns more that fat) and then go back to eating clean and start my drops.
Today I walked/jogged at the park 2.5 miles walking and 3.9 jogging.
Home for a protein shake.
Might lay out and get some sun. I also went to a bead show yesterday, so I'm anxious to create some jewelry with my new goods.
I might also change my eating. I think I may eat P2 during the week and P3 on the weekends. See what that does.
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