Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, January 6, 2012


Well, got up this am and called the dr to find out about my kit. I was told that nothing had come in but they would call me when it did and try to get me to the 4pm class. If not, probably the 8am class on Friday morning. We’ll have to see. I’m off to exchange the broken scale (hope that’s not some sort of omen). Going to hit bed, bath and beyone to see if they the Weight Watchers scale that Dr. Bardisa recommended.

A few other errands to run too. Be back later.
I got the Weight Watchers scale that was recommened by the doctor. Got it home, unwrapped it and programmed it for my fat ass. Of course, I had to step on it to make sure it worked. Ugh! It wasn’t pretty. But I have to weigh myself everyday, so it is a must.

I decided to take some photos of myself. I hate having my picture taken on a good day. But I put on a sports bra and a pair of Capri workout pants and got to work. With the camera on timer. I took pictures of my self from every angle. I uploaded the photos and viewed them. Holy Mother of God. When did I grow another pair of boobs on my back? I am a blubberous one. A phrase from the movie Full Metal Jacket came to mind. When the drill sargeant says to a recruit. "Pyle, you look like a pile of chewed bubblegum. Ugh. This adds fuel to my fire and desire to get this weight off. I often wondered why noone finds me attractive. There are a thousand wondeful things about me, but noone wants to open the ugly package. I’m beautiful on the inside. And never really thought I looked that bad on the outside. I remember growing up I was the one with the great personality (aka funny, but I wont date ya). Or people would say "You have such a pretty face", but what they mean was, you have such a pretty face, it's ashame that you're fat. All of this really strengthens my commitment to stick to this program.  I really wish I had it in me to share the photos with you, but I just can't. Perhaps at a later date I will have the strength to do that.

I am repulsed at my own body. And when I look at my face, it’s not a happy face. Stress has really taken a toll on me. I’m so glad I got out of the toxic 8 ½ year relationship that I was in and out of. I didn’t’ always look like this.
Now if I can just get my dysfunctional family and finances in order. Maybe I can fix this mess.
After I finished taking my photos and printing it out to keep everywhere in the house, the doctors office called. They said that my kit was ready and asked if I could make it to the 4pm class. After the whole picture thing, I was more than ready. I’ll be back to see what they say.
Well, I’m back. And here’s the scoop.
Medications and Supplements

In the morning
15 units of HCG

L carnitine (increase metabolism and retain muscle mass)
Glucose tolerance pill
Phentermine (appetite suppressant for the first few days)
Green tea extract pill (energy)
5-htp (amino acid)

Take all my usual medications and supplements as usual.

Meal plan

Tea or coffee only (no sugar or milk) may use 1 truvia packet per day in total
Injection, supps and meds
Lunch and Dinner (no food for 4 hours after injection)
3.5 oz of protein
Handfull of veggies
Melba toast or grissini breadstick

Fruit and bread can be eaten as a snack

I’m not going to list all the foods, but its very lean bee, veal, chicken breast, crab, shrimp, lobster
Leafy veggies and tomato, cucumber, asparagus
Apple, orange, grapefruit, strawberry
Green tea, coffee, water (including sypho or perrier) only

Water equal to half your body weight in ounces.
That’s it in a nutshell. I have to go back on January 31st and February 28th for weigh-ins, measuring and blood work.
They say I can lose around 40 lbs. Maybe more because I’m so freakin’ fat and because of my blood sugar issues. Hopefully, once I get all the weight off, I won’t have to take those meds anymore.
No strenuous exercising. Call them if there are any complications.
So my first injection is this Sunday, my birthday. The first day, you are supposed to eat as much as you want, whatever you want, the fattier the better. Monday, January 9th, I start the VLCD (very low calorie diet). Can’t wait. If I lose as much as they say, it will be such a boost and motivator.

This evening I am going to put together my grocery list. My plan is to cook a few days of protein, maybe even a weeks worth, in advance and freeze it. I also need to experiment with some sort of dressings for the raw veggies. I cannot eat them dry…aaack. Luckily, the allowed foods list include almost every spice imaginable. Along with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and olive oil Pam.
Ta-ta for now. Off to make the grocery list.

Grocery list is made, but I’m a little panicked. I cannot find my perscription. I have torn everything apart looking for it. Will have to call the doctor in the am to get another one.


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