Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 9 of Phase 2 Mini-Goal Hit

Yay! I hit a mini-goal. 15 pounds. Woke up this am to a .8 pound loss. My hands feel a little swollen so I don't know if I retained some water or not. But it's still a loss. Yippee. Total loss so far
15.4 lbs. 

I made the decision yesterday, that I was going to reward myself for every 15 pounds loss. But I wanted a reward that would keep growing and be a daily reminder of my successes and my goals.
I am going to buy myself a thin band type ring, for each 15 pounds I lose. My ultimate goal is 150 pounds, so in the end, I should have 7 bands. I will wear them everyday as a reminder. I found these and purchased 4, in different colors, but will only wear one band when I get it and put the others away until I reach each additional 15 pounds.
Birthstone Sterling Silver Eternity Band

Today I am going to mow the yard. I had an ounce of protein juice and ate my apple so that I don't pass out..hahaha.

Lobster and chicken are todays protein, but not sure of the veggies, just had to get the meat out of the freezer. Off to mow the grass.

Well I mowed the yard and felt good. I played it safe and only did the back. Tomorrow I will do the front.
Menue for today:
Apple and protein juice prior to mowing the yard.
Lunch: Spicy lime, chile, cilantro with roasted tomatoes in a lettuce wrap.
Snack: orange, grissini
Dinner : Curry chicken cabbage soup

(side note: my fasting blood sugar has consistently gone down and has been under 100 for 5 days straight)

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