I'm feeling like a little reward today of getting out of the house. I've always wanted to try paddle boarding. But there is also a seafood festival in the Keys. I know that the better option is probably paddle boarding. What to do.... What to do.....
I have to confess though, I had a bit of an emotional evening. Clashing with my son. Not really a clash, but something he said really hurt my feelings, badly. I didn't say anything at the moment, just walked out of the room. He left the house and I texted him that what he said was very hurtful. He played stupid, huh, what, what did I do. He knew what he said...and he knew that it hurt me because I shut down and walked out of the room. All this after I jhad just gone out and bought him everything he needs to prepare for his trip to Air Force Military Training. One of my resolutions, was to stop giving so much. It's difficult because I am a very giving person. But, my cup was empty, too much giving and nothing going back in the cup. I told everyone, friends and family, that if nothing goes back in the cup....there's nothing coming out. Last ight, my son flipped the cup over and smashed it with his words. So all the things I bought him are now mine. Vindictive, perhaps, but it's what I needed to do for ME.
And just know, he left for work...not bye, hi or kiss my ass.
Anyway....the moral of this story is that I, very easily, could have gone to the fridge for comfort, BUT I DIDN"T. I realized that if I had caved to the emotional eating, that he would win. And that the only one who would pay, would be me. I deserve better. I am in control. So I'm proud of myself for that.
Keep Calm and Carry on!
Now, all that being said, today is going to be all about me. No matter what I do.
I found this little wall sign while out shopping (for his things) and it is now handing, in front of me. I will read it and read it often.....
Soon I will be able to recite this without thinking. The very bottom line is the top resolution for 2012 and beyond.
Be back later for more!!!
Breakfast: I know eggs aren't on protocol, but I planned a busy day so I had 1 whole egg, 3 whites with a little bit of spinach in it. (we'll see what the scale says tomorrow)
Lunch: Roast beef lettuce wraps
Dinner: shrimp and brussel sprouts
(plus, I worked out)
After the episode with my son, I decided to go shopping. I'm not a shopper, a mall shopper. I ususally just go buy what I need. I walked around, bought myself some new perfume, a new bedazzled case for my cell phone, a new navel ring. (yes, I'm 50 and have had it for a while). Passed by the food court, torture, but I didn't stop for anything. Later I went and bought a frame and found some calcium pyruvate. It's supplement supposedly good for weightloss. I'm going to research it and let you know tomorrow what I found out.
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