Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, August 27, 2012

HCG Diet Regroup

Well. This week has been really crappy. I fell far off the wagon and just when I'm about to get back on, Isaac comes to my town. The weather has been miserable for the last 3 days. As we speak, I see a little bit of blue sky peeking through the thunderheads. I can't wait for better weather so I can get back outside to work out. I'm hitting the elliptical machine this morning. I'm going to go as long as I can. Gotta get a good boost to restart my journey.

My velashape treatments are over. To be honest, I don't really see much of a difference. I imagine it works better for folks with just a little bit of fat. But I did something for me.

Back to very strict eating. I have been a carboholic for the last 2 weeks. It shows on the scale, in my clothes and in how I feel. LAZY.


Off to work out.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's been a while

Well it's been a while since I posted about my HCG journey. Seems that ever since my scarey bike accident, I have fallen way off track. I'm not sure why, but I have a suspicion....trauma.

I have had to step back and get back in gear. I have continued to work out, but my eating has been disasterous. I have been eating everything and anything. Overloading on carbs, sweets, it's ben ridiculous.

This morning I woke up and just decided that I can't do it anymore. I've put back on 14 lbs and i'm so ashamed. Time to eat clean and get back on track.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Getting Back On Track with HCG

I feel like this round has been a total bust. My recent accident has really set me back. Not only have I been unable to work out, but the emotional trauma made me fall way off the wagon. You would have thought that I was loading the last 3 days the way I was eating.

I am determined to get back in the game. I'm heading out this morning for a bike ride (yes, a bike ride). You know what they say about getting back on the horse. Hopefully, the cramping in my leg will subside and not give me too much trouble today.

Back to eating clean (I'll freeze the other half of that pizza I ordered yesterday)...aaack. I can't believe I did that. Time to detox and get the fat, sugar and gluten out of my system.

I know that I need to step on the scale...and I'm petrified, literally.

Weight for the day 196.6 holy shit. I'm so mad at myself right now. Dayum. I'm up 13 lbs from my lowest weight. F**k Me. Sorry for all the profanity, but really? I have noone to blame but me.

Menu for the day

Work out
Lunch: Steak fajita salad
Snack: apple
Dinner: Tilapia with asparagus

Monday, July 30, 2012

Traumatic Event and Binging

I've had a horrible weekend and the trauma of it all made me fall off the wagon. I decided to go for a mind clearing bike ride on Saturday morning. It was a nice ride, almost 20 miles. The last mile or so, the weather turned fierce and it started pouring. So I got a little wet. It was actually refreshing, at first. Then it got to raining so hard that I couldn't even see. I found a bus shelter and, literally, had to push myself into the corner of it to avoid the sideways rain. A lot of good it did. There was so much puddling even after that short time, that every time a car when by, it shot a wave of water my way. I was so close to home and figured what the heck. So I went on my way. When I got to the intersection where I needed to cross the street, I waited for the lights to turn red and all traffic stopped. As I started across the street (in the crosswalk), the vehicle in the lane closest to me, punched it and was going to make a right turn. Well....he hit me. I rolled up onto the hood of his car, coming face to face with him through his windshield. He slammed on the brakes and I rolled back off the hood onto the rain-soaked street. People say your life flashes before your eyes. Well, it's true. As I lay on the street, with the bumper of the SUV at eye level. It did. I was just trying to get to my feet as quickly as possible. My leg was injured and my back hurt. He got out of his car, helped me up and apologized profusely. He kept asking me if I was okay. NO I kept telling him. He moved his car to the gas station on the corner of the intersection and then ran back to help me over there, because it was still raining.

When I got to the gas station, I went for my phone that was in the bike pack. The screen was smashed. The guy who hit me asked me what I was going to do. I said, "Call 911". As I'm trying to get my phone dried so that I can try to use it, the guy starts to pull away. I'm thinking, no he isn't!!!!
So I was ready to get the tag number. He had taken the tag off of his car and took off out of the gas station parking lot. So now, not only am I hurt and scared, I'm mad. How do you hit someone on a bike and just take off.
Luckily, when I called 911, I was able to give them a description of the vehicle and the direction of travel.
3 police cars, a fire truck and a rescue truck show up. (I work for the fire department, these were my coworkers). The rescue got me some ice and a dry towel (remember, I am still soaked from my bike ride and spill into a puddle on the street).
I told the police officers what happened and they looked up to see 2 video cameras on the roof of the gas station.
They were able to see the vehicle and hopefully, they will be able to get a tag number.

Anyway, the rescue truck wanted to take me to the emergency room, but I just wanted to go home. So they brought me and my broken bike home, but told me if I started feeling worse, to call them and they would take me to the hospital.

After the adrenaline of the event wore off, I was feeling the pain. I took myself to the urgent care. They gave me something for pain and took some xrays of my leg and back. The diagnosis, multiple contusions and 2 compressed vertebrae. Great!. They nt me home with some medication, which took, but hate the way it makes me feel.

This morning I wake up to muscle spasm in my back and cramping in the quadracep muscle of my left leg.

The bottom line is......this traumatic event definitely pushed me into an eating binge. I don't know why I did it. Just my way of coping.

I'm upset for several reasons. I could have died that day. My bike is out of commision for my rides. I have to get a new phone. My boot camp program is put on hold. I'm missing work. And it's all coming out of my pocket unless they catch this guy.

So anyway. I need to find something else to take my mind off this.

Diet today.....epic fail

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Starting over on HCG

Well. I thought I wanted to keep going on P3, but I really am getting frustrated about the scale not moving. I know that I am building muscle and that's a good thing. But I find that, because I am working out so much, I am hungry. Not a problem except that I have be satisfying that hunger on whatever was available. Yesterday, not only did I eat a storebought prepackaged muffin, but I ate 2 of them.

I'm still not sleeping well. Not sure if it's my body or my bed. I'm heading out sometime this week to get a board for under the mattress. I feel like the bed is sagging a bit. Hopefully that will help because I really can't afford a new mattress set right now.

Anyway, back to the diet.

My new plan

HCG Injection
Fruit and 2 egg whites
Post workout
Protein grilled on a salad, vegetable
Before Work
HCG Drops
Protein and a vegetable

I'm really going to challenge myself to stay POP (perfectly on protocal) I really need to find some snacks. or, eat a small salad when I'm feeling hungry.

I'm also going to try (try being the operative word) to ease up on my workouts. I noticed yesterday, that my body is feeling tired and weak. I need a bit of a break. I think it's just the heat and humidity here in Miami. I may do my workouts on the elliptical machine in the house. I also need to buy some electrolyte tablets to add to my water.

Anyway, time to mentally regroup and get back in gear. Here's to me!

Monday, July 23, 2012

HCG Diet- Monday Monday

It's Monday and I'm not ready to go back to work. boo hoo. I had a very exhausting but fun weekend.
I love Phase 3 of this diet, I can live on this forever.

I haven't been real religous about blogging the last week. This weekend I had a great workout at the park. Riding, running, climbing and taking on the HILL. Saturday I also got the yard mowed and the cars washed. I was pooped at the end of the day.

Yesterday morning, I went on my first every real mountain bike trail ride with a friend. WOW, can you sad addicted. I could really get into this. It was treacherous at times, but I think that's only because I hadn't done it before. I wasn't familiar with the trails, so I was extra cautious. We only did about 6 miles, but it was quite rigorous. The weather turned sour and sent up packing. Next time. My friend was very informative and took it slow with me so that I could get the hang of it.

Here is a little video of some of the trails that we conquered.


I'm really looking forward to doing this again, and plan to hit all the mountain bike trails in my county. That there is a goal.

This morning, I went for a bike ride and then hit the park for my boot camp. Every time I think it's getting easier, the trainer switches it up and adds a new exercise. Booyah. I will not quit.

I should have eaten before I left. I keep forgetting to do that, and it affects my performance.

There's always tomorrow. I'm hoping that Wednesday morning, I will be doing another ride at a different park. Wooohooo!

I love the feeling of kicking my own butt. I haven't felt this damn good in years.

Friday, July 20, 2012

I did it

I've decided to stop the HCG. I need food, I need hair, I need to work out really hard. 500 or even 800 calories a day just isn't cutting it. I am transitioning to P3. I will be eating super super clean on P3.

I found that, because I was working out, I was truely getting hungry. I would cave and eat whatever I could find because my body truely needed sustanance. I will concentrate on eating more vegetables, lean protein, good fats, some fruits, no breads.

I have a hair appointment this morning and then I will be heading to whole foods to pick up some good groceries.

I'm going on a long Mountain bike ride on Sunday. I am so happy to be so active. I'm am back to being addicted to working out. I feel great. Today I may give my body a break. Maybe. Well, probably not. I think I will take the day off. And workout later at the park.

My boot camp lasts another 5 weeks. I will continue P3 until it's over and then consider doing another 21 day round. I have another vial of HCG that hasn't been mixed. Hoping that will last until then.

Well...I'm logging off for the day.