Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's the Little Things

Funny when you start losing weight how you notice the little things that change about your body. Yes, there are the big things, like the pounds and the changes in clothing size. As much as it kills me to get rid of clothes that I spent my hard earned money on, I just love when I put something on and it's just too big to wear. But there are smaller milestones that really tickle my fancy. I've compiled a list of little things that keep me motivated.

1) Seeing the numbers on the scale go down
2) Trying on clothes and having them be too big
3) seeing your collarbone or wrist bones
4) being able to cross your legs without having to wedge the top legs foot against something so it won't violently uncross
5) your rings get lose and there are no more sausage fingers.
6) Your arms actually hang at your side instead of away from them because of side boobs,
7) Speaking of boobs, no more "back boobs"
8) Your feet feel loose in your shoes
9) This s actually a big one, when someone you know doesn't recognize you as you walk by.
10) You find your cheekbones
11) You can paint your toenails without having to contort yourself. Same goes for shaving your legs.
12) You can finally scatch that spot on your own back.
13) Someone calls you skinny or says that you are just wasting away
14) Doing a crunch and not seeing your belly when you look towards your feet

to be continued........feel free to comment with your little moments

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