Weight Loss Tracker

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome Phase 3

Okay, so today is my first day of Phase 3 stabilization.  Phase 3 is actually THE most important part of the HCG diet protocal. More important than losing the weight in Phase 2. This is where you stabilize your weight and make you hypothalum believe that this new weight is your "normal weight".


Remember, I must stay with +/- 2 lbs of my last injection day weight, which is 219.8. I'M ALREADY MORE THAN 2LBS BELOW MY LIDW. DOWN TO 217.6.

The Phase 3 protocal in a nutshell:

  • Increase caloric intake to 1500 calories over he next three weeks.
  • Add healthy fats and oils like coconut oil, olive oil, butter (not margerine) avocados and almonds
  • Add dairy, cream cheese, cheese, full fat milk, greek yogurt
  • NO SIMPLE CARBS, (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, starchy veggies, beans and high glycemic index fruits)
  • Protein is imperative. Make sure to get enough protein in your daily menu.
  • Continue with lots of water
  • Try to eat as clean as possible, organic is better, grass fed meats are better,
You still have to keep track of your calories. Phase 3 is not a license to just eat whatever you want as long as it's on protocal. Trust me. I have been craving cheese for the last 6 weeks. This doesn't mean that now I can just chow down on a brick of gouda.

I purchased a Phas 3 cookbook from my doctor. It's called HCG Diet Recipes Phase 3 by Carla Martell and Audrey Scott. You can purchase it here. Lots of great recipes. Nice change after the restricted foods on Phase 2.

So continue to follow along and see my phase 3 journey.
For now I'm off to have an eggwhite omelet with spinach and cheese.!

Okay here is todays menu (a lot longer than the usual)

Breakfast: scrambled egg, cheese and spinach (1 whole egg 3 egg whites, 3/4 oz cheddar, handful of spinach.
Snack: strawberries
Lunch: garlic shrimp with olive oil and spices, summer squash cooked with 1 slice bacon)
Dinner: steak and onion fajita salad (roast beef and onion saauteed with fajita spice over a bed of shredded lettuce, topped with 3/4 oz cheddar, 1 tbsp sour cream and salsa
Snack: apple

Seems like a whole bunch of food doesn't it.

Total calorie 1073
Fat 55g
Protein 89g
Carbs 58g

After looking over my nutrients, I see that I am low on protein. I am definitely going to make it a point to have 1 protein shake per day. I like Isopure. I can't handle foamy creamy shakes. I don't like the consistancy. Isopure has 200 calories and 50 grams of protein per serving. I will have this within 1 hour post workout for optimal muscle sparing results.

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